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PTSD Article

Anahita Seyedan D.O.M

"Rigorous studies show that acupuncture positively influences Heart Rate Variability which measures the balance of the autonomic nervous system. A healthy autonomic nervous system means physiological, emotional and hormonal well-being."

Chung, Evidence Based Complementary/Alternative Med. 2014


In ancient Chinese cosmology, all sickness is due to stagnation or stasis. They came to this conclusion because when they observed Nature they saw that everywhere was movement. Each season is slowly turning into the next, the sun is replaced by the moon, then back to the sun and so on. Trauma is when an overwhelming experience remains stuck so to speak in a person's nervous system.


The goal therefore of Chinese Medicine is to help the person suffering from PTSD to become "unstuck", that is to process the experience in a healthy way and move on with their life.


The primary way acupuncture does this is by helping the body return to a healthy equilibrium within its central nervous system: namely the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The parasympathetic nervous system is the aspect of our nervous system that allows for rest and digestion. The sympathetic nervous system is for fight or flight. Both are vital for survival, and have their proper place. Sufferers of PTSD very often have their sympathetic nervous system stuck in "on" mode so everything feels like fight or flight.


Acupuncture can restore the normal balance between the two aspects of our nervous system, and over time helps return a person to feelings of normalcy.


If you or someone you know suffers from PTSD of any kind, please don't hesitate to contact us. Complete recovery is possible.


For further reading see "The Tao of Trauma" by Alaine D. Duncan

Testimonials & Reviews


Integrative Family Medicine

Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine located in Olney, MD

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